Lots of annoying ads on the site, but nevertheless, a good list of charts. http://www.designyourway.net/blog/resources/30-high-quality-charts-and-graphs-for-webdevelopers-to-download/
]]>Interesting post on Daniel Lemire's blog http://lemire.me/blog/archives/2010/11/29/why-do-we-need-database-joins/# regarding NoSQL and database overengineering.
I’m looking forward to jquery mobile and this chart saves me from having to do a lot of research on mobile browsers on my own.
]]>I’m a big fan of Clayton Christensen and enjoyed reading this address to Harvard Business School’s 2010 graduating class.
]]>The Google motto is “Don’t Be Evil”. Not so sure that the guys at Microsoft would consider this anything but evil. :)Read more on the Google Enterprise blog. Mohahahahah…..
Pretty Darn Evil Comparison Graph From Google. Check Mate Microsoft.
]]>A must read book.